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Get your Lifestyle together at Dano, Portland OR

At 3725 SE Division Street in Portland, Oregon you'll find Dano. A Lifestyle store that offers goods for yourself, and for your space.

Get your Lifestyle together at Dano, Portland OR

by Herb Essntls

5 years ago


Get your Lifestyle together at Dano, Portland OR

At 3725 SE Division Street in Portland, Oregon you'll find Dano. A Lifestyle store that offers goods for yourself, and for your space.

by Herb Essntls

5 years ago

Get your Lifestyle together at Dano, Portland OR

If you go to 3725 SE Division Street in Portland, Oregon - you'll find Dano. A Lifestyle shop that offers goods for yourself, and for your space.

Founded by Portland-based artist Melissa Grandkoski, DANO brings together plant-powered apothecary and thoughtfully produced wares from independent makers—all curated to inspire and support a conscious and radiant lifestyle for self and space.

Dano currently carries Herb Essntls Moisturizer, Lip Balm, and Body Lotion.

Check out their beautiful website here.

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